Events Categories: Training

Supporting people to develop Person Centred Plans
Person Centred Plans for people using social care services and unpaid carers What does a good Personal Outcomes Plan look like? This session will explore how to identify and write…

Applying Policies, Procedures and Legislation to resolving SDS issues
A workshop delivered by Civil Rights First This session will explore how people can use a range of evidence to support the concerns that people have when they are trying…

Supporting peoples decisions: Stories & impact of Supported Decision Making
This workshop is an introduction to Supported Decision Making. Everybody has the right to equal recognition and respect for their choices. Some people may have difficulty when making decisions and…

Supporting Autistic people to access Self Directed Support
Special 2 for 1 ticket offer for this training event – see details below. We’re excited to share details of a brand new training course developed exclusively for SDSS members….

Supporting people to develop Person Centred Plans
What does a good Personal Outcomes Plan look like? This session will explore how to support people to identify Outcomes & develop such plans