Disability Equality Training day course for members (18th Sept)
Date: 18 September 2019
Time: 10.00-16.00
Location: the Boys Brigade, Pollock Pavillion, 227 Ferry Rd, Edinburgh EH6 4SP
We have a limited number of places available for SDSS members to participate in Disability Equality training delivered by Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living.
The cost £60.00 per person, however, we are able to discuss your organisation’s needs in order to support you to attend.
LCiL training aims to enable people to gain a broad upstanding of relevant disability issues which will allow them to fulfil their duties competently and confidently.
Disability Equality Training (DET) has been developed by disabled people to address the experience of disability and its impact. The aim of DET is to enable people to understand the effects of disability, identify changes in work practices and plan strategies to implement change, through the use of relevant discussion and activities.
Why Disability Equality Training?
It can be very difficult to know which ‘Disability’ training to go for, there seem to be so many variations on offer!
LCiL suggests that the most effective disability equality training actively encourages participants to look at their own work practices and attitudes.
To do this effectively, the training should:
► explore disability issues from a disabled person’s perspective
► discuss different models of disability
► discuss the language used to represent disabled people
► identify common cultural representations which are used to label disabled people
► identify the barriers which prevent inclusion in society, both from a personal and social perspective
► be delivered by a trainer who has personal experience of disability
LCiL training meets all these requirements.
LCiL Training framework:
1. Accessible courses with regard to venue, content and delivery
2. Delivered by experienced disabled trainers with relevant knowledge of the topic.
3. Use of pre-training questionnaires to ascertain existing levels of knowledge.
4. Use of a variety of training methods to ensure successful transfer of knowledge.
5. Use of follow-up questionnaires to identify impact and ascertain future training needs.
Learning outcomes:
1. Participants have a clearer understanding of the issues concerning the relevant topic.
2. Participants have identified any unmet training needs they may have.
3. Participants are able to apply their knowledge within their workplace.
The Trainers
The LCiL associate trainers’ strength lies in their ability to use their professional training skills, supported by personal experience of impairment and disability, to ensure that the material and delivery of the courses are informed by current thinking and include relevant information.
The trainers’ shared experience of disability also enables them to cross the boundaries imposed by impairment-specific training. This means that a wide range of equality issues are addressed and participants are equipped to work in an inclusive and non-discriminatory manner.