Underspending an SDS Budget: What can people do?
Date: 6 September 2023
Location: Online on Zoom
A workshop looking at issues relating to the underspending of an SDS budget
This workshop will explore the issue of underspent SDS budgets and how people can approach their Local Authority to discuss their use. It will also look at how people can exercise choice and control and request changes to the use of their budget.
Questions to be looked at will include:
- If people are struggling to use all of their SDS budget, what can they do to agree a change in spend?
- Do certain issues, like the effects of COVID-19, the recruitment of new staff, changes in need or changes to services that people had previously used, make any difference to the discussion?
- What are the rules around ‘clawback’ of SDS budgets when people have built up a significant amount of money?
- How can people think about re-using an underspent budget so that it still meets their Personal Outcomes but doesn’t cost any more?
- What about applying local policies on SDS budget use and whether they might already create certain restrictions
The workshop will take place on:
- Date: Wednesday 6th September 2023
- Time: 11am – 12.30pm
The workshop will be delivered by Civil Rights First, who provide a specialist information, advice and support service on issues relating to Self Directed Support and health and social care more generally.
There are 20 places available for SDSS members and you can book your place on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/underspending-an-sds-budget-what-people-can-do-tickets-696529597777?aff=oddtdtcreator
There are also a few limited places for people using SDS and carers.
The training session will take place on Zoom. If all places are booked, please get in touch to express your interest in a future session. If you have any questions about the training, please get in touch with Mark Han-Johnston to discuss further at:
Tel: 07949 143433
Email: mark@sdsscotland.org.uk
Book a space on Eventbrite