Pocket-sized Guide on the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016

The Coalition of Carers have produced a 2 page guide to what people can expect from the new Carers (Scotland) Act 2016.

They outline the Carer Pathway to getting the support that Carers need, through the provision of information, to having a good conversation and to making sure Carers needs are being met. You can see a copy of this 2 page guide here.

The Carers Act also gives Carers specific new rights which includes:

  • An Adult Carer Support Plan for adult carers
  • A Young Carer Statement for young carers
  • Both of these can be provided without first requiring carers to be providing care on a substantial and regular basis
  • Taking a preventative approach to identify each carer’s personal outcomes and needs for support
  • A requirement to provide information and advice services to carers

Carers and carer representatives must also involved in:

  • Setting local Eligibility Criteria
  • The preparation of local Carer Strategies, Short Breaks Services Statements and planning of carer services.
  • Carers must also be involved in hospital discharge processes

Under the Act a ‘carer’ is an individual who provides or intends to provide care for another individual.

For example, where a person self-identifies as a carer they may request an Adult Carer Support Plan (ACSP). If they appear to meet the definition of carer, the responsible local authority must prepare an ACSP.

When carers are identified by practitioners, whether in the community or acute settings, they must be offered an ACSP. If they accept the offer the responsible local authority must prepare an ACSP.

The carer must be given a copy of the finalised ACSP.

In addition, any carer support provided for the carer will be provided under section 24 of the Act and cannot be charged for or means tested.

To find more detailed information on the Carers Act and what this means for carers in practice, see the publications below.

You can see a copy of the Carers Act Statutory Guidance here.

You can also see a copy of a Carers Charter here.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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