New CCPS Briefing: Poor Procurement Practice and SDS – what can be done

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This Providers and Personalisation (P&P) briefing sets out a local area example of the tensions that can exist between procurement and competitive tendering, and Self-directed Support (SDS) and enabling choice for individuals about the provision of their care and support. The briefing concludes with lessons that have been learned and some considerations for Local Authorities when working across procurement and SDS.

This is a really useful summary which outlines the responsibilities and requirements that Local Authorities have when considering competitive tendering. This might be useful to share with

These lessons include:
1) Commissioning and Procurement: Begin by considering whether a procurement exercise is necessary.

2) Ensure Involvement of Supported People: Start with the full involvement of supported people.

3) Consider how to involve and consult with service users and families about any commissioning plans, competitive tenders and decision to change their provider.

4) Consider their duties as a public body under the Equality Act about the rights of disabled people and other protected groups to be consulted in an accessible format when making any changes to service provision.

5) Involve other stakeholders and providers.

6) Self-directed Support: Consider how to ensure supported people have choice about who provides their support, when and how their support is provided and who their preferred support providers is. Ensure that individuals receiving care and support are offered SDS and the 4 Options.

7) Ensure that individuals have the right under Option 2 to choose to stay with their existing provider even if they are not on the council’s framework.

If you would like copies of this briefing, you can get this here at the CCPS website: CCPS Procurement and SDS

Self Directed Support Scotland

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