Conclusion of My Support My Choice Research: People’s Experiences of Social Care in Scotland
Publication of final Research Report on people’s experiences in Highland
The My Support My Choice research project concludes with the publication of the Highland Report today, which you can see here.
People in Highland generally reported that SDS had improved their social care experience and have shared examples of good practice from across the region, particularly about good conversations and relationships with social work professionals, and involvement in care decisions. However, as the research highlights, there are key areas where improvements could be made to respond to people’s concerns and increase the effectiveness and reach of positive SDS experiences.
As with each Local Authority area that the project covered, we note the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership’s commitment to improvement, collaboration and community led approaches, when they say:
“In January of this year the Health and Social Care Committee agreed the SDS Strategy for Adult Services and we are now embarking on the important work of realising it and continuing with the collaborative approach that we have adopted to date. This work is progressing alongside other important related initiatives such as the development of Community Led Support.”
In 2019, the ALLIANCE and Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS) started work on a joint research project, to provide evidence about people’s experiences of social care. Two and a half years later, the research team have heard from hundreds of disabled people from across Scotland, people living with long term conditions and unpaid carers about their experiences of social care prior to COVID-19. We have published 12 reports (plus Easy Read summaries), covering 6 Local Authority areas in Scotland, as well as a range of thematic reports on the experiences of a range of people. You can see all the thematic reports here:
You can also see the National Scotland report and the 6 Local Authority area reports here: