Gain a qualification in Community Brokerage

Do you work, or have in interest, in Community Brokerage? If yes, you might be interested to learn about the award for community brokerage, developed by Community Brokerage Network.

The award for community brokerage is certified and quality assured by SQA and has been credit rated by SQA at Level 7 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), with 30 credit points.

The course is available to anyone looking to develop their skills. It consists of five key elements:

  • Understanding and describing self-directed support.
  • Exploring models of brokerage.
  • Implementing choice and control for people with self-directed support.
  • Helping people design their support plan.
  • Community development and brokerage.
  • The award runs over six months involving a mix of approaches to learning.

The next course begins in September and will run until June 2022. For more information and to book a place on the next course, contact SQA Coordinator Jenny Reekie at, before the deadline of 11 July 2021.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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