SDS: Towards a new National Implementation Plan for 2019 – 2021
Wednesday 28 November, 10.00-14.00 in Aberdeen
Monday 3 December, 10.00-14.00 in Glasgow
The Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 made self-directed support a legal right for everyone receiving social care. it is based on the statutory principles of participation and dignity; involvement; informed choice and collaboration.
Implementation of self-directed support is a major culture shift for everyone working in social care and also affects the systems that we use to administer and track support. Much has been achieved since we began moving to self-directed support in 2010 and you can read about progress here.
In that time, Scottish Goverment have increased their understanding of what needs to change for self-directed support to work well. They have developed a draft Change Map of the key building blocks that need to be in place and would like your views on it. You can see a copy of the Change Map here.
At these event the Scottish Government will seek your views on the Change Map and on what is working well as part of their engagement work to inform our new Implementation Plan from 2019-2021. They will also explore what you think should happen at national level to support the changes you are making at local level.
Many SDSS members have already had the opportunity to feedback on this through the recent SiRD 2021 Portfolio Day and SDSS AGM, so you may prefer to feedback any additional thoughts and views through this short survey open until 21st December
These events are aimed at:
- people who work in social work and social care or
- people who work in related roles in the voluntary/community sectors
The Scottish Government will be working separately with people who receive social care, their families and carers.
Book your free ticket now on Eventbrite:
Wednesday 28 November, in Aberdeen
Monday 3 December, in Glasgow
Registration, tea and coffee will be available from 09:30. The event will start at 10.00 am and finish after a buffet lunch at 14:00.
If you have any questions or comments, please email
We hope you can make it along or take part in the survey!