Improving SDS in Moray – new report

The front cover of a report entitled Self Directed Support enablers - supporting improved delivery of an outcome focused service for unpaid carers and those they care for

A new report has been published which highlights work done recently in Moray to improve services for unpaid carers and people they care for.

The report describes how Moray Health and Social Care Partnership’s Day Opportunities team took a different approach to organising support, focusing on achieving good outcomes for people who need support.

The new approach involved recruiting two dedicated SDS Enablers, who worked with unpaid carers to explore what a good life looks like for them. The approach focused on enabling better conversations with individuals and creating positive relationships. Between January and June 2022, when the test project took place, the Enablers worked with more than 100 carers and people they care for.

The project reported a number of positive outcomes, including: increased choice and control about support options, outcomes being met in creative ways, and individuals making use of a wider range of existing services. The project also found staff reported greater job satisfaction as they had more time to engage with individuals, and the opportunity to increase their own understanding of resources available locally. Due to the success of the new approach, the team now employs five SDS Enablers.

The report also highlights what Moray HSCP believes were the key factors that contributed to the success of the project, and identifies some opportunities for future improvement.

You can download the full report here: Moray HSCP SDS report May 2023

The work was done as part of the Unpaid Carers Improvement Programme, which is part of Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s Improvement Hub (ihub). You can read more about this work on the ihub website.


Self Directed Support Scotland

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