Inspiring Scotland Survey on Accessible Play for Children

Inspiring Scotland Surveys on Accessible Play for Children with additional support needs

Inspiring Scotland Go2Play colleagues are commissioning researcher Theresa Casey to write a guide to developing inclusive play spaces. As part of her research she is conducting two short surveys.

What makes play areas accessible and inclusive? Two short surveys.

The surveys each take about 10 minutes to complete. The findings will inform a new step-by-step guide to commissioning and building play areas (public playgrounds) in Scotland. The aim is that all play areas can be more inclusive and accessible and Inspiring Scotland would like to find out what would help to achieve that. The guide will be published as part of the Play Strategy for Scotland.

This survey closes at midnight on Monday 2nd October 2017. Thank you for your participation! Your views are greatly appreciated. For further information please contact:

Self Directed Support Scotland

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