SDS Report Blasts SDS Implementation: SDS Not Working as Intended

Centre for Welfare Reform logo with a blue emblem with white flowers in the centreSelf-Directed Support: Your Choice, Your Right – The Centre for Welfare Reform:

The Self Directed Support Your choice Your Right publication comes up with a clear, straightforward assessment of the current state of SDS implementation. This is required reading for anyone working in Social Care currently. Their conclusions and recommendations are stark:

  1. The Scottish Government should ensure that all partners develop a human-rights based approach to the implementation of SDS and a human-rights based monitoring of the implementation of SDS.
  2. The accountability of local and national government for implementing SDS must be enforced.
  3. Local authorities must move away from the time-allocation method of care assessment and delivery, which will always be at odds with any effective or meaningful implementation of SDS.
  4. The use of electronic and other contract monitoring systems need to be examined in relation not only to fiscal savings but the negative impacts these have upon the well-being of the workforce and the dignity and rights of those receiving support.
  5. Access to information, and to all four SDS options, must be made available consistently across local authorities and in an independent, non-discriminatory way.
  6. The Fair Work Framework should be used as a method of ensuring that individual workers’ rights are reciprocated and protected.
  7. Greater focus needs to be placed on developing models of care and support that give autonomy, control, choice and decision-making to frontline workers and those whom they support rather than commissioners and contract managers.

See a copy of the Report here.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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