Parent Club

Finding the right information and support as a parent can be difficult. That’s why the Scottish Government created Parent Club, an online hub full of up-to-date guidance on your child’s health and education.

Parent Club features hints and tips from other parents and carers who’ve been there before. It also has advice to help parents and carers look after their own wellbeing and to point them in the direction of the support available.

To help make January as easy as possible for parents and carers, Parent Club is here to support.

Money Talk Team

January can always be a difficult month financially for families but given the pandemic, more families than ever are feeling financial pressures. The Money Talk Team is a confidential and personalised service delivered by the Citizens Advice Network in Scotland and funded by the Scottish Government, offering families free financial advice and support during these tough times.

The Team can help you identify what benefits you are entitled to and what household bills you can save money on during these challenging.

You can contact the Money Talk Team on 0800 085 7145 or visit the new Parent Club page.

Winter Support

With the winter lockdown restrictions in place, we know that parents are struggling at this time, and we want to reassure parents that they are doing their best and let them know support is available via in the coronavirus hub, and also in the new Winter Lockdown Support Hub.

Positive Parent

Being a parent is one of the best jobs in the world, but we know it can be hard work, especially now. To help families manage the current challenges, Parent Club is running the Positive Parenting Campaign, which brings together tips on coping with the challenges of being a parent and keeping calm with your wee one so you can focus on building a rewarding relationship together. For more information click here.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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