Research on SDS Implementation published
Providers and Personalisation: New Research report into the Barriers and Enablers for Self-directed Support implementation.
Their Report covered 5 Local Authority areas and they interviewed 35 people with roles ranging across strategic, operational, commissioning and front-line positions, from a range of urban and rural areas.
Their conclusions of the Barriers to SDS Implementation include:
- Internal barriers within the Local Authority – including the complexity in changing practise
- Capacity and sustainability of providers to deliver support in current financial circumstances
- Recruitment and retention of staff for providers
- Lack of provision meaning some people in more remote areas only being able to access Option 1
- Impact of cuts and an increasing need for support
- Access to funding to meet assessed need becoming more difficult
- Variable quality of leadership within Local Authorities
- Lack of commitment to SDS amongst some Local Authority staff
- The status and skills of some SDS champions being limited – and a lack of support for them
- High turnover of personnel
- Limited training on SDS in Local Authorities
- Skills gaps when dealing with issues of risk and implementing personal outcomes
- Finance staff inappropriately questioning SDS expenditure
- Some Managers not fully engaging with SDS over fears of the misuse of SDS budgets
- Workload and complexity of service provision required
- View that Option 3 was for people less able to manage an SDS budget in some way
- Limited development towards integrating an outcome focused assessment, and actual outcomes, beyond the framework of existing eligibility criteria
- Lack of support for an Outcomes focused Assessment when it came to the allocation of financial resources
- Variable ‘buy-in’ from Health to support SDS implementation
- SDS viewed as an ‘organisational obligation’ in some areas, and a ‘wider philosophical shift’ in others
Some of the suggestions to address the issues highlighted include:
- Improve leadership in SDS by encouraging more ‘champions’, with a guaranteed position
- Undertake a training needs analysis regarding SDS, including leadership skills, within local authorities.
- Develop training that can meet accommodate different levels of knowledge across specialisms
- Encourage the development of smaller, more flexible providers in remote communities
- Develop more support services among businesses in local communities for those choosing Option 1
- Paying the Scottish Living Wage and beyond for adult care workers to resolve recruitment and retention issues
- Examining the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC’s) accreditation and training model to assess its suitability for purpose.
You can find a copy of the Research Report here.