SDSS’ Annual Report 2020-21
Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2021
Self Directed Support Scotland (SDSS) represents organisations run by and for disabled people, with our members supporting thousands of people across Scotland with their social care choices. Together we work to ensure that Self-directed Support (SDS) is implemented successfully so that people have full choice and control over their lives.
Our 2020-21 Annual Report highlights our organisation’s objectives, activities and performance in a year overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The report shows how we have focused on online engagement in relation to SDS implementation, both from ourselves and our membership.
Review of achievements and performance
Following initial induction and a period of familiarisation with the organisation and SDS landscape, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Communications and Policy Manager are now fully embedded in the organisation, the CEO having successfully led the team through the strategic planning process to conclude the development of next year’s implementation plan. Partnerships and contacts established and strengthened, also building on existing relationships that the CEO has brought to SDSS include the ALLIANCE, ILF, SSSC, Social Work Scotland, Community Brokerage Network, SDS Practice Network, Inclusion, In-Control, University of Strathclyde and the SDS Collective. This year has seen a major delivery in our first online annual conference, which was overwhelmingly well received: SDS National Voice. This came at a turning point for Scotland’s Social Care, in the development of the Review of Adult Social Care, with which we actively engaged, having it’s leads present at both our AGM and conference, as well as facilitating ongoing engagement with this agenda with our members.
The organisation has strengthened and consolidated relationships will a number of key partners in our efforts to support cross-sector and partnership working to embed quality SDS practice. Continuing relationships with Scottish Government and Social Work Scotland have resulted in ongoing partnership engagement. Engagement with our members has resulted in the launch of online SDS forums and development of a PA Employers’ online resource. We published the largest body of research to date on lived SDS experience and have implemented its findings, actively supporting the SDS Practice Network, with a programme of local engagement sessions planned for 2021/22.
In 2020/21 SDSS membership covered every local authority area through our member organisations, working with over 31,918 people across Scotland (an increase of 12,606 in the year). Up to the time of writing, we’ve welcomed a number of new members, including Civil Rights First, Glasgow Disability Alliance, STAND, Family Payroll Ltd, Top Care, Jericho Society, Support Choices Perth and Kinross and the Autism Network Scotland making our membership inclusive of 60 organisations. In undertaking membership renewals this year, we continued to collect demographic information on the service users they work with, and we are supporting members to improve recording in this area to gain a better picture of the full reach of theirs and, consequently, our organisation. You can find details of all our members, as well as other SDS Independent Support organisations, on our website in our new filterable member listing.
The report also includes our financial statements and an Independent Examiner’s statement.
You can download our 2020-21 Report and Financial Statements here.