Stand with GDA: Glasgow deserves better social care!
Glasgow’s Senior Social Work officials have recently re-visited a paper on resource allocation, which in June the Integrated Joint Board (IJB) refused due to concerns that the Equalities Impacts had not been considered, and that financial concerns capping individuals’ budgets could lead to forced institutionalisation.
Glasgow Disability Alliance (GDA) and others are very concerned that if approved this approach will lead to capping of care packages in relation to the cost of residential care and, in turn, lead to enforced institutionalisation. GDA have stated that they are ‘hopeful that at this crucial juncture, our allies and political representatives can take a stand for human rights; can create the conditions to open up dialogue for a better solution; and give strength to the belief that as a city we can and we must do better. Glasgow’s 150,000 disabled people deserve better – and Glasgow deserves better.’
At SDSS we stand with GDA in asserting disabled people’s right to Independent Living and encourage our members to do so. You can read more about the campaign here.