Your Support Your Choice SDS Booklet: Dundee Carers Centre


Dundee Carers Centre have developed an easy read booklet on Self Directed Support which outlines in a clear and concise way what SDS is and how it works. It is generic information that covers any part of Scotland – so it doesn’t matter which Local Authority area that you are in – the information is relevant to anyone interested to learn what Self Directed Support is. They have already used the Booklets to help explain what Self Directed Support is to people in the Dundee and Angus area and this has been well received.

To produce this resource Dundee Carers Centre worked in partnership with local people with learning difficulties, as well as Carers and Local Authority staff.

Dundee Carers Centre are open to people paying for copies of the booklet to be printed for their area of Scotland (either with your organisation’s contact details or details left blank for you to add later).

You can access or download the resource here.

Self Directed Support Scotland

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