SDS Improvement Plan, 2023 – 2027
In June 2023, Scottish Government and COSLA published the SDS Improvement Plan 2023-2027.
The plan sets priorities for work that will improve the delivery of Self-directed Support over the next few years. This is work that will happen right across the sector, from Government and local councils to third sector organisations, independent support organisations and others.
The SDS Improvement Plan 2023 – 2027 was created with support from the National SDS Collaboration, which brings together partners working in Self-directed Support across Scotland, with SDS Scotland playing a key role in its development and leading on the consultation process. This consultation, at the start of 2023, sought the views from a wide group of people, with a focus on people who use (or could use) Self-directed Support, and organisations which represent them. The consultation heard from around 100 groups and individuals and helped inform the final priorities in the plan.
The National SDS Collaboration will play an ongoing role in contributing towards the delivery of the plan and monitoring its success.
Self Directed Support Scotland has been funded to work on a number of projects as part of the Improvement Plan. You can find more information on each project in the ‘related projects’ links on this page.
Keep an eye on this page, or sign up to our newsletter, for updates on the delivery of the SDS Improvement Plan.

- National SDS Collaboration
- Research into independent SDS support in Scotland
- Developing the Community Brokerage model in Scotland
- Helping independent SDS support services meet best practice guidelines
- SDS and autism
- SDS for people living with dementia
- SDS for people who use substances
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